VirtualModule.Net provides a number of products that can be used either together   
or separately. Each of them is a fully functional and comprehensive solution of different 
common tasks including AP Framework,Web Framework,Multi-Language,HardwareKey,
Auto Number,Message Queue Framework etc.
However maximum power of VirtualModule.Net Controls is only reached with their combined use.¡@

Here is the list of individual products that are offered by VirtualModule.Net Company:
Web Framework N-Tier Web Browser (IE/Netscape) Enterprise developer Framework
¡@ ¡@
AP Framework  Windows GUI interface (COM+) N-Tier Enterprise developer Framework
¡@ ¡@
Multi-Language Help companies produce different language versions of one application
¡@ faster and efficiently
¡@ ¡@
Hardware Key USB authentication token developed by Feitian Technologies. 
¡@ Install this VCL package don't uses complex API.
¡@ ¡@
MQ Framework Message Queue Framework of Delphi solution support
¡@ ¡@
Auto Number Can define role - auto number - Delphi , N-Tier on TClientDataSet
